Call Charges

Calls to 0843 Telephone Numbers

Calls to 0843 telephone numbers cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge.

An access charge is the charge your phone company charges you per minute for connecting your call. Access charges vary from network to network. You can find out the access charge your phone provider charges by contacting them.

Calls to 0800 and 0808 Telephone Numbers

Calls to 0800 and 0808 telephone numbers are free from mobile phones and landlines, if calling from within the United Kingdom.

Broadband Company Numbers may from time to time list Freephone contact numbers for Broadband suppliers. Calling an 0800 or 0808 phone number will not result in you being charged by your phone company.

Calls to 01 and 02 Telephone Numbers

Contact numbers beginning with 01 or 02 are geographic numbers for specific parts of the United Kingdom. For example, 0113 is a Leeds number, 020 is a London number, and 0131 is an Edinburgh number. Calls to 01 and 02 telephone numbers are typically charged up to 9p per minute from a landline, and from mobiles between 3p and 40p per minute.

You should refer to your phone bundle when determining the cost to call 01 and 02 numbers, because phone companies set their own rates.

More information about call charges can be found at the following resources: